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FLIP GIVE - Our Team Code is T9JVMS

Attached are instructions on how to use Flip Give. 

You will need to download the FlipGive app or visit to sign up. 
Then follow the Join Existing Team instructions included in the attachment and enter the team code. 


(This code is included in the attached instructions.)

(visit if you have any questions about how to use the app)

Some of the companies they are associated with give a % to our "team wallet" when you shop online through the app. 
For example, if I shop at Indigo (accessing it through the app), they give 6%. 
Unfortunately, since covid Amazon is no longer giving a % back on all purchases, instead just 1% on gift cards and 2% on Amazon devices.
Other companies like Esso and Ardene have digital gift cards that people can keep on their phones.